E202: How To Sublimate a Coffee Mug [REBROADCAST]

For a second straight week, Travis and Josiah couldn't sync their schedules! So this week, they're doing a rebroadcast of an episode recorded over a year ago! As recompense, Travis added an extra dad joke for you. Hope that's makes up for your (obvious) massive disappointment. 😂 

Anyway, on to the show!

Welcome back to the PODCast and welcome back Travis from Hawaii!

Josiah and Travis are back for another educational and entertaining episode of everyone's favorite podcast that has Print on Demand in its name. 😉

Sublimation is one of the easiest processes to master if you're looking at taking some of your production in house and creating a bit more margin for your business. In fact, sublimating mugs is how both Travis and Josiah got started in Print on Demand! In this episode, the guys share all about how to sublimate a coffee mug and the steps you can take to execute the process effectively.

Plus, in this week's Point Of Interest, Travis gives a short tutorial on Kittl, an online graphics tool that allows you create incredibly detailed and quality designs online without the need of programs like Photoshop or Illustrator!

Enjoy the show!


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Links from the show:
Point of Interest

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