PODCast E177: Print On Demand Success Pyramid + POD Jewelry on Etsy

Welcome back to the PODCast!

In this episode Travis and Josiah discuss how to build your POD business using the print on demand success pyramid. Building from a strong foundation and building in the proper order is super important if you want to succeed.

Plus, in the Point Of Interest, the guys talk about how Etsy has been deactivating POD jewelry listings! Some suppliers like
Awkward Styles aren't even pushing jewelry listings to Etsy any more at all!

Enjoy the show!


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print on demand success pyramid

0:00 - Introduction
0:37 - Weekend Updates
3:43 - Weekly Dad Joke
4:47 - Point Of Interest
11:52 - Main Event: Print on Demand Success Pyramid
19:39 - Organization
22:43 - Design
28:45 - On Page SEO
33:56 - Mockups
38:55 - Print Partners
42:21 - Tools & Resources
43:18 - Don't Invert The Pyramid
47:33 - Conclusion

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