PODCast E156: 8 Strategies For Growing FAST on Etsy + Free/Low Cost Marketing Ideas

Are you starting out on Etsy and wondering how to gain traction on the platform? Or maybe you've stalled out in your efforts because you aren't seeing the kind of results you'd like to? Either way, on this week's show, Josiah and Travis share some tips to help you grow fast on the Etsy platform. Now we won't lie and say this will be easy. In fact, it will likely take more effort than you're currently putting in. But as Dave Ramsey says, "If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else."

Plus, in the Point Of Interest, the guys share some free and low cost marketing ideas for your print on demand business. Obviously all of these ideas won't be applicable to everyone, but if you're able to apply some of these to your store(s) and put strategies in place to continue to implement them, it can reap huge benefits.

Enjoy the show!


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