PODCast E035: Persistence Pays Off w/ Neil Lassen

This week on the PODCast, Neil Lassen joins the discussion to talk about his take on the POD industry. Neil has been around the Merch By Amazon and other POD spaces for quite some time and realized he needed to automate certain parts of his listing process.

Fast forward several years and thousands of people have used Neil's products to help them in not only MBA, but KDP, Etsy and many more POD platforms. In the end, we realize that if you have a need, you probably aren't the only one in your space that's experiencing the same frustrations.

Neil did something about it and has helped not only himself, but thousands of people because of it. Enjoy the show!

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Neil's Links (get 20% off for LIFE with code “printodemandcast” via these links!)
Merch Informer
Book Bolt
Sales Samurai

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